Left unexplored by Eccentric Soul: The Deep City Label were those narrow roads leading away from the misfits of FAMU's Marching 100 band, out of Deep City, and into its suburbs: the Reid, Sun Cut, and Lloyd labels. Beyond that urban sprawl, arrowed road signs sent us to Concho and Solid Soul. Way out there, inside a closet that time forgot, a box of tapes was waiting. Its masters and cracked acetates filled in areas of the map that we'd always considered lost: unreleased songs by Snoopy Dean and the Rollers; a rumored-to-exist Clarence Reid 45; a flood of instrumentals from the Deep City Band featuring the ex-100s in top form. A new cast of characters emerged; Arnold Albury led us to his Sun Cut archive and the music of The Rising Sun, Lynn Williams, ... mehr lesen