FFO: Slowdive, Cocteau Twins, Japanese Breakfast, Beach House, Bjork Dreampop at it's Best! Hailing from London, Ontario, the Canadian ambient-pop duo of Alice Hansen, a classically trained pianist and violinist, and Chuck Blazevic, a studio-obsessed tone-sculptor and monome performer, combine their disparate perspectives to co-curate every element of YNGTH together as equals. After gaining a groundswell of support from fans and critics all over the globe for their 2012 self-titled debut and 2014's 'Adorn', the group caught the attention of indie upstart Yellow K Records (Japanese Breakfast, Eskimeaux) on the strength of their breakout single "Caught In a Time, So Far Away". The band has partnered with Yellow K for the release of 'Images' in a break ... mehr lesen