17. Januar 2020
Label: GOD?
Genre: Rock




EP  €  24,99
sofort versandfertig; Lieferfrist 1-2 Werktage
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten

Über diesen Artikel

What will the rock of the future sound like? Perhaps fusions will continue to hybridize as social and environmental conditions deteriorate until we're dancing to abstract alien tones meant to compulsively trigger pleasure points while omitting any emotional triggers because life is so tragic! Who knows, but as long as we've got new stuff like Oogbogo, the future can wait! This music was birthed out of Kevin Boog, alone with a 4-track cassette recorder, writing and recording to keep busy between tours with Meatbodies. It was a good outlet for ideas that didn't fit anywhere else, and without the thought or intention of making a record, it became a bit of a weirdo catharsis. That's probably why it's such a fun, weird record, shifting speeds, chopping up ... mehr lesen