BONNIE LI (Paris/Berlin) fireworks of coloured a'capella sounds, telling short stories of specific life moments, mixed in electronic loops, and a sip of French red wine -Made in Hong Kong FRAU HERZ (Wien) Frau Herz (lit: Ms Heart) is the alias of a young Viennese musician and produces adorable homemade DYI pop. her prominent voice and beautiful melodies are the signature components of her sound that just doesn't leave your head. additionally she uses some kling klang here, some accordion there... [FRN] BONNIE LI (Paris/Berlin) feu d'artifice de sons a'acapella colorés, racontants des histoires courtes d'instants de vie spécifiques, mixés en boucles electroniques, et une gorgée de vin rouge française, ... mehr lesen