If you like Silkworm and Hum you're gonna love this record. Hey, this is Wiggins from Thousandaire. It is Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The high today in Atlanta will be 77° F, it was 81° yesterday and the day before. The weather isn't returning to how it was, and it's not going to get any better. None of this matters. Tom Bruno, Chad Leblanc, and I play music together because it's fun and keeps the despair at bay. We are really good at it because being really good at playing as a band is way more fun than sucking at it. We know how to make records, in fact, we just finished a new one with Damon Moon at Standard Electric recorders here in Atlanta. We're pretty proud of it in that it sounds the way we wanted it to be, and not any way we could guess it ... mehr lesen