27. August 2021
Genre: Elektro




LP  €  27,99
sofort versandfertig; Lieferfrist 1-2 Werktage
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten

Über diesen Artikel

DarkSonicTales is a project by Rolf Gisler and his eponymous album his first for Hallow Ground. Having been granted an artist residency by the label in a 300 year-old farm house in the Swiss countryside in autumn 2019, the Lucerne-based musician and sound artist explored the peculiar sonic environment of the building and its surroundings through the use of field recordings, modular synthesizers, guitar, bass, kalimbas, a singing saw as well as self-built instruments. "DarkSonicTales" starts with kalimba sounds and field recordings, setting the stage for "Sonic Darkness"- a self-referential spoken word piece whose sinister jazz-like sound calls to mind Bohren & der Club of Gore. The following "Spring Feelings" contrasts insect sounds with harsh noise ... mehr lesen

Sicherheits- und Herstellerinformationen

375 Media GmbH
Schlachthofstrasse 36A
DE-21079 Hamburg