Comes with double sided, silk-screened fold-out insert. Haunter Records is proud to present Left My Brain @ Can Paixano (La Xampanyeria) OST, the follow-up to Jesse Osborne-Lanthier's As The Low Hanging Fruit Vulnerabilities Are More Likely To Have Already Turned Up (Halcyon Veil); Unalloyed, Unlicensed, All Night! (raster-noton) and Absolute Garbage EP (Haunter Records via United Standard). A project five years in the making, unapologetically grandiose, dotted by contributions from dear friends Asaël Robitaille, v1984 and Marie Davidson; Left My Brain_ is Osborne-Lanthier's most ambitious work to date. Musically, Osborne-Lanthier looks to the material composition techniques of grime, rap, modern classical, sound art, heavy metal, and more, to create ... mehr lesen