16. Oktober 2015
Genre: Garage

what...for!, the



EP  €  14,99
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This is 30th anniversary platter by the most important german beat band ever since the legendary BOOTS !!! To celebrate 30 years of wild, ravin' beat mayhem Screaming Apple is releasing "Compiled!", a six track 45rpm 10" compilation. This new edition to the labels catalogue brings together 5 tracks in part previously available on, amongst others, british and australian compilations from 1989 - 2010, with the addition of a previously unreleased recording of "I ain't got you" from 1989. The track "Bad news travels fast" from " Tribute to the Fuzztones vol. II" has previously only been available on CD. All songs, four of them taken from the now almost-impossible-to-find original compilations, have been remastered by Crypt/Back From the Grave ... read more