7" comes with MP3 coupon. First, the basics: Strange Wilds formed in Olympia, WA in 2012. The band grew out of the fertile Pacific-Northwest punk scene, with members from Negative Press, Outlook, Wreck, and a bunch of other punk/hardcore bands of the last few years. Sometime in 2014, the band settled into the classic, economical, power-trio configuration of bass, drums, and a single guitar, and recorded "Standing," their second release (their first being the four-song Wet 7" on Inimical Records). Now, about this record: "Standing" is a taut, churning slice of Northwest punk fit for the ages. Its B-sides, "Gator Cough" and "Never Warm", are, respectively, a fist-banging slammer and a slow-burn rumination on low feelings. Strange Wilds' music is soaked ... read more