Long, long ago, at the beginning of the new millennium, the world begot Enon. It was before Willliamsburg was, like, totally over, before beards made you cool, and just at the cusp of all this modern computer recording tomfoolery. What a time, before innocence lost. From all this came a much beloved and oft-overlooked record - one Touch and go is damn proud to re-issue on vinyl today - Believo! This record makes a bridge between the 20th and 21st centuries - full of effects, samples, pop sensibilities, and a complete respect for and disregard of The Rules. In 2000, Enon was all Brooklyn style, comprised of John Schmersal of Brainiac and Rick Lee and Steve Calhoon of Skeleton Key. John and Rick bonded over a penchant for suitcases full of electronics ... read more