For fans of ELpH (/Coil), Mica Vainio, Pan Sonic, Ryoji Ikeda, alva noto, Fennesz. Ivan Pavlov aka CoH characterizes his latest solo work, Radiant Faults, as "the recording of a dialogue," rather than a set of compositions. Crafted using a rare new synthesizer, the Silhouette Eins, Pavlov's first encounter with the instrument across a long, late night session resulted in a continuous set of textures, patterns, and subliminal melodies. At some point during the process, he realized he was not alone: "It was as if something was speaking to me through the gear - the feeling was very intense. No matter how determined and specific I attempted to be, the results were something else. They felt like 'responses.' This instantly reminded me of ELpH." ELpH is ... read more