09. August 2024
Genre: Metal




LP  €  49,99
Item has not been released; estimated delivery in Germany on 10.08.2024. Item will be shipped immediately once it is in stock.
price incl. VAT , excl. shipping


CD  €  22,99
Item has not been released; estimated delivery in Germany on 10.08.2024. Item will be shipped immediately once it is in stock.
price incl. VAT , excl. shipping

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Norway's progressive sludge masters are about to release the sequel to their highly acclaimed debut album "Animist". The upcoming release, "Determinist", will hit fans of The Ocean, Mastodon, and Igorr right in the face. With expanded diversity, heavier and more of the good stuff - Just the right kind of heavy! The new album takes the listener out of the prehistoric world from "Animist" and into the current and future era of determinism: Humanity has left the world of mysteries, wonders, and chance. In a reality where all is calculated, analyzed, and predetermined, humans thrive on scientific progress, but at what cost? If everything is certain, humans have deprived themselves of the illusion of free will and the wonders of life. Octohawk's sophomore ... read more