Start digging your bomb shelters: WEREWOLVES are releasing their third full-length album `From the Cave to the Grave' 24th June 2022. "`From The Cave to The Grave' keeps up the searing pace of the first two WEREWOLVES albums, with a mix of black and death metal and unprecedented aggression that is coalescing into a style of its own. Opener `Self-Help Book Burning' kicks the door in Hate Eternal-style before deforming into a blackened ending worthy of Marduk. It's followed by stadium crowd-pleaser `We Are Better Than You', blaster `All the Better to Eat You With', and social credit score-destroyer `Crushing Heaven's Mandate'. `Harvest of the Skulls' is an ode to the horror of genocide and the rest of the album blasts through to closing threat `Watch ... read more