The real, great rock 'n' roll swindle? Don't look for it in the Pistols, well, in Mac Laren' movie The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle... you'd better search Belgium, and more specifically somewhere near Lou Deprijck and Yvan Lacomblez, two born-and-bred "Brusselians[1] ". If their names don't ring a bell at first glance, you've most likely already wiggled to the interplanetary hit which brought them fortune (in every way): "Ça plane pour moi"! Oh yeah, France already had Antoine's "Élucubrations", a mildly transgressive hit in its own way... and an unprecedented landslide in Gallic memory. But this time, another category was tackled! "Ca plane pour moi"? A moronic song by a crappy singer... The prank swept through the world and within a few months, no ... read more