
american standard


CD  €  15,99
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LP  €  28,99
Item has not been released; estimated delivery in Germany on 24.08.2024. Item will be shipped immediately once it is in stock.
price incl. VAT , excl. shipping

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American Standard begins with a shock. Vocalist Michael Berdan stands alone, screaming, "A part of me, but it can't be me. Oh God, it can't." It all starts with an admission. Beneath the harrowing screams, there's the pain of bulimia nervosa. There's the pain of a sickness that is as physical as it is psychological. This is a kind of emergence. With every movement of American Standard, Uniform peels off a new layer and tells the story inside of the one that came before it. The lyrics sink down into the core of the innermost self, the small human being crushed in the grip of sickness. To help peel away this narrative of eating disorders, self-hatred, delusion, mania, and ultimate discovery, Berdan sought assistance from a towering pair of outsider ... read more