Skydive Trio: Thomas T Dahl, gitarer, Mats Eilertsen, kontra- og elbass, Olavi Louhivuori, trommer. SkyDive Trio's second album 'Sun Sparkle' - which arrives three years after its acclaimed predecessor, 'Sun Moee' - presents the listener with an intriguing set of paradoxes. A power trio who use full throttle only very sparingly, the band can appear to play loud music quietly, and quiet music, loud, countering jazz subtlety with rock attack. They also partner the relatively clean and melodic sound of Thomas T. Dahl's guitar with the mountainous riffs and deep, seismic explosions of Mats Eilertsen's bass, rather as if Pat Metheny was being accompanied by Peter Hook, of Joy Division and New Order. The great Finnish drummer Olavi Louhivuori somehow ... read more