Brand new album from Medway's finest psych-beat combo! Heritage can be a harsh mistress. Ex-This, formerly of That. Past acclaim - particularly when it's attached to some of the most visceral and elemental rock 'n' roll of one's generation - can become both a help and a hindrance; impossible to shake off but crucial to continued acceptance in the fickle world of pop music. Not that this is any concern of The Galileo 7 of course. As the title of their sixth album proudly proclaims, There Is Only Now, and this record is nothing if not Now! From humble beginnings 10 years ago as a DIY outlet for Allan Crockford's songwriting ambitions (he was rarely afforded such luxuries as bass-wielding anchorman of The Prisoners, JTQ, Prime Movers, Solarflares et al) ... read more