Message found on No Quarter's answering machine: "Hey Mike-Thanks for sendin' over the latest from Endless Boogie. So 'Long Island' makes, what, their 7th trip around the vinyl horn? You gotta give it to'em, they're style of blast don't ever get old. I once seen Boog Powell in this post game, after he'd hit two dingers off the A's, & the interviewer asked "do ya ever get tired of blastin'em over the fence"? Boog ruminated this for a second, gave way to scratchin his head, then locked eyes w/the natterin pipsqueak, smiled & said 'NOPE"! And look at him now? The king of Baltimore BBQ. So I was thinkin Endless Boogie is in the same class (okay, hold the Baltimore & hold the BBQ). Who don't love'em? Mike, even GIRLS BUY THESE RECORDS. There ain't no ... read more