the second album of CANEDY, the band of legendary Carl Canedy, drummer of The Rods! 'Warrior' is comprised of 10 tracks total. "We are very excited to sign CANEDY and to release their upcoming masterpiece, 'Warrior'," says Tolis G. Palantzas (owner/managing director of Sleaszy Rider Records). "Carl Canedy is a talented musician (drummer of The Rods), a great and well-known producer (Anthrax, Overkill, Blue Cheer, Possessed, etc.) and a cool, easy going guy above all. We have a very good experience working with him in the past, releasing the 2016 album by American hard rockers St. James, where Carl played the drums. As we are often in touch with Carl, it became a mutual interest to collaborate and to release 'Warrior,' a pure heavy metal album, that I ... read more