René Laloux's celebrated 1973 sci-fi animation 'La Planète Sauvage (Fantastic Planet)', is overhauled with a re-imagined soundtrack by electronic modernists Stealing Sheep and legendary sound innovators The Radiophonic Workshop. This exclusive release is part of Fire Records' re-imagined score series. "No institution has had a greater impact on the development of electronic music than the BBC Radiophonic Workshop." The Vinyl Factory It's a real pre-Avatar conundrum that Stealing Sheep, with the help of Bob Earland, Dick Mills and Roger Limb from the Radiophonic Workshop, unravel. Creating an ethereal excursion that's narrated by Roger Limb; like a futuristic Martin Denny, or Dr Who gone ambient techno, with a hint of Forbidden Planet 50 years on. ... mehr lesen