A must-have for fans of DIO, JUDAS PRIEST, ALTER BRIDGE, SEVENDUST, and STONE SOUR. Florida's CLOCKWORK REVOLUTION is drummer Patrick Johansson (W.A.S.P., Yngwie Malmsteen, Impelliteri, Gus G, George Lynch, G3), singer Wade Black (Leatherwolf, Crimson Glory, Seven Witches, Leash Law, War of Thrones), bassist Dirk Van Tilborg (Alias, Attakk, Crimson Glory, Kamelot, Perfect Defect), and guitarist Dewayne Hart (Kinlin) delivering a powerful sound that draws from both modern and classic metal. CLOCKWORK REVOLUTION's debut is packed full of straight forward metal that comes directly from the heart and showcases what a kick ass band can deliver when combing elements of modern and traditional metal in an explosive mixture. This band kicks a lot of ass. It ... read more