hot hot heat

knock knock knock


LP  €  17,99
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CD  €  9,99
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Mini 5 tracker: HOT HOT HEAT play an updated post-punk style that recalls THE CURE and JOY DIVISION, but without all the mopin' around. Hot Damn! This is a band that the hardcore punk kids and the dorky new wavers could get along to. Mixing equal parts new wave daceability with snarling punk vocals, HOT HOT HEAT is the quirky cousin that would have been played alongside OINGO BONGO!, THE B-52''s and GANG OF FOUR with equal ease. These yound gentlemen are making quite a name for themselves in Seattle. Sub Pop will be releasing HOT HOT HEAT's debut full length later on in the year. Produced by Chris Walla of DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE.