23. Februar 2018
Genre: Metal


under the manchineel


LP  €  16,99
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After the almost simultaneous demise of Germany's Noise-stalwarts ULME, and the 2nd spring of seminal Crossover punk/metal icons JINGO DE LUNCH, Ulme-guitarist and singer Arne, and Jingo de Lunch singer Yvonne, formed an acoustic bit named Treedeon. It started out as an acoustic solo set on the 2012 (and final) edition of the SOUTH OF MAINSTREAM FESTIVAL; Ulme had originally been booked, but unfortunately disbanded right before the festival. Shortly after, a 2nd gig was booked at Berlin's Schokoladen, where Boomer pledged himself by offering to play drums. The usual followed; songs were laid out, written, and rehearsed in a dark Berlin cellar. A demo was recorded in November, then unleashed to astonished fans. The Demo made very clear that the ... read more