• 1.1. pagan angel and a borrowed car
  • 1.2. white tooth man
  • 1.3. lovesong of the buzzard
  • 1.4. carousel
  • 1.5. house by the sea
  • 1.6. innocent bones
  • 1.7. wolves (song of the shepherd's dog)
  • 1.8. resurrection fern
  • 1.9. boy with a coin
  • 1.10. the devil never sleeps
  • 1.11. peace beneath the city
  • 1.12. flightless bird, american mouth

iron and wine

the shepherd's dog


CD  €  15,99
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price incl. VAT , excl. shipping


MC  €  9,99
Not in stock. Delivery in Germany in approx. 12-14 working days depending on availability with the supplier.
price incl. VAT , excl. shipping

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Iron and Wine's last release (not including the collaborative In the Reins EP which featured songs by Iron and Wine's Sam Beam and performances by both Iron and Wine and Calexico together) was 2005's Woman King, a 6-song EP which distinguished itself from its predecessors with a deepening integration of spiraling, dense opuses with intimate confessionals. On The Shepherd's Dog this integration is complete. Sam Beam has confessed to finding spiritual inspiration in Tom Waits' pièce de résistance, Swordfishtrombones, an album with which Waits upended his previous strategies and forged a new musical language for himself. Recorded by Sam with the assistance of longtime producer Brian Deck and engineer Colin Studebaker, The Shepherd's Dog succeeds in ... read more