forsyth, keeley



CD  €  9,99
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LP+Dwn  €  17,99
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The songs comprising Keeley Forsyth's debut, an intimate document of personal change, are, she states simply, "like blocks of metal that drop from the sky." The image's severity is indicative of the album which provoked it. With its minimal arrangements placing her recollections and dissections of sometimes harrowing experiences front and centre, Debris showcases her elemental voice and an outpouring of candid, haunting lyrics detailing the seismic ruptures which take place behind closed doors. "There was a lot going on in my life that was heavy and hard," she adds. "Songs were made under that moment." Born and raised in Oldham in the north-west of England, Forsyth first made her name as an actor, but while the creation of music has been a ... read more