
seasons / bye bye


7"  €  8,95
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Brainstory is back with a pairing of tunes that the world's top sommelier couldn't hold a candle to. This gorgeous two-sider features the two vocal songs from their otherwise instrumental forthcoming EP, Ripe. On Side A, Seasons showcase Brainstory's sunny California soul and mixes in a touch of Roy Ayers east coast energy. The result is an infectious and uplifting tune penned at the beginning of quarantine with the hope of finding a brightside in the trouble the world is facing. Sibe B, Bye Bye, is another stone cold B side ballad from the group that gave us Dead End. The Darling Dears of Rialto have recorded what is sure to become another staple in sweet soul sets around the globe. But, in true Brainstory fashion this tune is uniquely theirs. ... read more